Mill Gill Force, North Yorkshire

Primarily a landscape photographer, I am inspired by the landscape, colours and shapes that surround us in the world in which we live, sometimes looking inwards too for a more intimate and closer view. Based in North Yorkshire I am an active member of Northallerton Camera Club and the Royal Photographic Society and involve myself in the Landscape Group and the Digital Imaging Group. In May 2023 I was accredited with the Licentiate Distinction from the RPS. As part of my involvement with the RPS I design, layout and oversee the print and mailing of Landscape, the Landscape Group Magazine. 

Other things that keep me occupied besides photography are cycling and website design. Recent projects have been for two artists, a small charity and a Camera Club. 

John Paul Cooke – A Contemporary Artist who specialises in Seascapes.
Martin Allan – A Printmaker and Artist who specialises in Landscapes. 
Otley Christian Resources Hub – A small charity working with children in schools and churches. 
Northallerton Camera Club – My local club.

Thank you for taking the time to view my website. For further information regarding ordering prints or notecards please use the Contact or Shop link above.
